Saturday, November 7, 2015

Polynomial Functions part 1

We focus on Polynomial Functions now. This takes a few blocks. First we look at the general shape - identify end behavior & middle behavior (zeros & multiplicity) initially without using a grapher of any type and then verifying with their graphing calculator.

Students start by exploring the first three problems on the intro exploration sheet. Then we discuss anything they noticed (such as how they found the degree, the y-intercept and zeros - all the functions are in factored form at this point).  Then we fill in our ISN foldable about polynomial functions.

At this point, we've run of time and I have them finish the exploration sheet for homework.

We start the next class with a few warm up problems but then get into the main objective of this lesson which is to be able to describe characteristics of a polynomial function and draw the graph without the use of the graphing calculator. (all the examples we do at this point are factored or easily factorable).

We go through some examples with the right hand reflect page in our ISN.

Then students have a set of problems to work through for homework. I'll also do a formative assessment on this before moving onto Polynomial Functions part 2.

All materials used can be found here. 

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