Monday, December 14, 2015

Winter Estimation Fun

Last summer I found a cool website called Estimation 180 and used an estimation activity with a quarter cup of almonds with my classes. A neat little activity to get them thinking.

Here's another one that would be fun to do on that half day before our Christmas break. Ultimately everyone gets a mug of hot chocolate at the end.

How Much Hot Chocolate is in the Glass?  

I could do this with heat proof paper cups and give everyone a cup and pose that question. 

Then we extend the estimate to marshmallows...

How many small marshmallows will fit?

Of course we'll need to discuss what that means. How many fit on the surface? How many fit to fill the mug completely? 

and finally

How many large marshmallows will fit?

some discussion about what this means.

Kids record estimates - can use his site or? create a spreadsheet or survey for my classes?

Finish up with drinking hot chocolate!

NOTE to self - bring in hot water kettle, canister of hot chocolate powder, cups, small marshmallows, large marshmallows. Yum!

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