Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers - PreCalculus

I love starting off my lesson on Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers.  

I start off by drawing a real number line and I talk about the set of real numbers. I even do a mini-review of the sets of numbers that make up the set of real numbers.

This shouldn't take a lot of time, it's just a quick overview on how cool numbers are and how they relate to each other. I summarize by saying the set of real numbers can be shown graphically with a number line.  Very cool, very simple.

And how do imaginary numbers relate to all this? Again, quick reminder of why we have imaginary numbers (ever try to take the square root of -1?). Again this is very quick and culminates in us having the set of complex numbers! Tada!

So from there I get to show them how the imaginary numbers relate to the real number line with the imaginary axis! I stress that it is not a coordinate plane even though it looks like one. 

Now this is something they should have learned in their earlier math courses so it is a quick intro to set the stage for Trig Form of Complex numbers. 

From there we compare the three different ways we can write a complex number (with a greater focus on the first two): Standard Form, Trigonometric Form, and Polar Form. We look at them graphically with my first foldable.

Inside the foldable we look at converting back & forth between standard form and trig form.

Students then try out some examples on the page opposite.

Now we have an 82 minute block so I still have time to go over multiplying and dividing complex numbers in trig form. Providing some rationale is a bit challenging since it's pretty straightforward multiplying complex numbers. They know it's like multiplying binomials. Dividing is a little trickier. When the numbers are in trig form there is a nice straightforward method. My foldable shows the official definition/formula on the front.

But inside I do give the "quick" way to do it.

I also allow the shortcut way of writing complex numbers in trig form using CIS. 

And on the page opposite we have some examples:

This year, I had to be out the day after this lesson. So I gave the students the above examples as a warm up for that class. They had a POD for converting complex numbers and then worked on a practice sheet of the skills we had gone over in this lesson.

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