Monday, August 10, 2015

Quadratics and Vertex Form (Algebra One)

The last form for us to go over is vertex form. It's probably one of  the easiest forms to work with as long as you are comfortable with the square root method of solving equations.

We started with an investigation worksheet - function equations shown in both standard & vertex form. They calculate the vertex from the standard form and then answer questions comparing the two forms.

We didn't get to converting standard form into vertex form using completing the square, but we did convert. We found the vertex using the old "-b/(2a)" formula and plugged that into the vertex form template and inserted the leading coefficient in for "a" in the equation. Really easy method, builds on something they already know. Oh well, sorry about skipping over completing the square (no time!).

Here are my ISN inserts

And this folder has all my ISN templates for this unit (8 blog posts worth! I'll post this link on each blog). It's way easier to upload them all together.

Here are supporting materials I used for this topic. 

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