Thursday, July 23, 2015

Unit 6 Systems of Equations

The next few blog posts will not be as detailed because at this point in the school year I had a student teacher. So I am going to post her ISN work with some commentary. But after I teach these units (February - May 2016) I will update with my own materials and more detail. I don't think I have a student teacher this coming school year. (And my student teacher this past year was very good! What a trooper working with interactive student notebooks and creating her own materials! She did a great job and she has beautiful handwriting). 

Exploring Scenarios

Systems of Equations - we take a little different approach with starting this unit. We don't jump right into "here is a system and here is how we solve it". When planning I like to think about "what is a system good for? why does it exist as an algebraic process?". So we start off with "Exploring Scenarios" to get an idea of what it means to have two unknowns and two conditions. I'll do a separate blog post on that because I think it's a really valuable way to begin, for students to develop some overall understanding. We didn't have anything in our ISN on this but I will this coming school year.

ISN Foldables

One comment on coordinating your ISN with a student teacher. Let them put their inserts in your teacher notebook. I started off by giving my student teacher her own notebook to put her foldables in and I tried to keep up with her. But I wasn't always in the classroom when she taught so there were gaps. When she took over my lower level Algebra One she did use my notebook and it worked out so much better.

This was a cute idea for demonstrating substitution but I'm not sure if it's that useful in the ISN. I also came across the "blob" method for an insert on substitution method and used that with my lower level classes.

Cool summary foldable but the space got tight for showing work clearly. I like to have a lot of space.

Love the examples (go on right hand reflect pages)

My student teacher did a great introduction activity for mixture problems with Kix and CocoPuffs cereal. I'll have to post that when I use it. She had this foldable to show the table method for mixture problems. I've never been a fan of this because you have to remember how to set up the table and that can get confusing. I won't use this next year but someone might find it useful so I'm including it.

Really nice summary bit here - lots of time consuming cutting though, I'd suggest giving it to students the day before and they have to cut for homework. This would be left hand learning and then I'd include some algebraic examples for them to solve on the "right hand reflect" page.

Some good stuff here for systems of linear inequalities. I just was not in class for most of this and some things are blank and we've got an extra blank page. So this needs some reworking.
 Oh, in general I'm not a fan of all that text with "fill in the blanks". There is not a lot of space for filling in and I think when we give the students so many words they mechanically fill in the blanks without thinking about what it means.

In the Future....

Next year my tentative foldable plan for this unit is ...(L is for left side learning, R is for right side reflection).

L Exploring Scenarios  R example for warm up
L Systems of Equations defined, what a solution is, checking solutions R examples
L Solve by Graphing  R application example
L solve by substitution R application example
L solve by linear combination  R application example
L mixture problems  R example
L Types of Solutions  R algebraic examples
L systems of Linear inequalities  R examples
L systems of linear inequalities applications  R examples 

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